US Supreme Court Docket
[Click here for 2001 Docket]
Yellow Transportation, Inc. v. Michigan, et al.
No. 01-270
1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), registration fees, reciprocity agreements, Commerce Clause, Preemption
Whether the Michigan Supreme Court erred in holding that, under 49 U.S.C. § 11506(c)(2)(B)(iv)(III) (1994) and 49 U.S.C. § 14504(c)(2)(B) (iv)(III) (Supp. V 1999), only a State's generic fee is relevant to determining the fee that was collected or charged as of November 15, 1991.
- Michigan Court of Appeals, Filed: August 14, 1998
- Michigan Court of Appeals (Concur/Dissent), Filed: August 14, 1998
- Supreme Court of Michigan (PDF), Filed: May 15, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 22, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: November 5, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Respondent State of Michigan, et al. (Petition) [PDF] RTF] [WORD]
- Respondent State of Michigan, et al. (Merits) [PDF] RTF] [WORD]
Amicus - Petitioner: - American Trucking Associations Inc., et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- United States (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- American Trucking Associations Inc., et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Ford Motor Co. and Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. v. John B. McCauley, et al.
No. 01-896
Jurisdiction, Credit Card Rebates
Whether the cost to the defendant of complying with
an injunction sought by a plaintiffs class may satisfy
the amount-in-controversy requirements of the diversity
jurisdiction statute, where such compliance would
cost the defendant more than the $75,000 jurisdictional
amount whether it covered the entire class or any
single member of the class.
Is there appellate jurisdiction when petitioners, as the nominally prevailing party in the district court, appeal the district courts dismissal of a complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction?
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit, Filed: September 6, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: February 19, 2002
- United States Supreme Court [PDF], Dismissed: October 15, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioners Ford and Citibank (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners Ford and Citibank - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners Ford and Citibank (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioners Ford and Citibank - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioners - Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Merits) [PDF]
- National Association of Manufacturers (Merits) [PDF]
- Product Liability Advisory Council, Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondents - Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
- Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
Tuesday, October 8
Federal Communications Commission v. NextWave Personal Communications, et al.
No. 01-653
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, et al. v. NextWave Personal Communications, et al.
No. 01-657
PCS Licenses, Auctions, Bankruptcy, Federal Communications Commission
Whether Section 525 of the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. § 525, conflicts with and displaces the Federal Communications Commission's rules for congressionally authorized spectrum auctions, which provide that wireless telecommunications licenses obtained at auction automatically cancel upon the winning bidder's failure to make timely payments to fulfill its winning bid.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - D.C. Circuit, Filed: June 22, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: March 4, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: January 27, 2003
- Docket Sheet (01-653) From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Docket Sheet (01-657) From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner FCC (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner FCC - Reply (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner FCC - Joint Appendex (Volume I) (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner FCC - Joint Appendex (Volume II) (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner FCC (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner FCC - Reply (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondents - Airadigm Communications, Inc. (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
- Creditors of NextWave Personal Communications, Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- Urban-Comm North Carolina, Inc., Debtor-In-Possession (Merits) [PDF]
- U.S. Senators Patrick Leahy, Orrin Hatch, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner of Social Security v. Peabody Coal Company, et al.
No. 01-705
Michael H. Holland, et al. v. Bellaire Corp., et al.
No. 01-715
Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992, Social Security
The Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992 (Coal Act or Act), 26 U.S.C. 9701-9722 (1994 & Supp. V 1999), established the United Mine Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund (Combined Fund) to ensure the continued provision of health-care benefits to retired coal miners and their dependents who worked under collective bargaining agreements that promised such benefits. Those benefits are financed principally through premiums that must be paid to the Combined Fund by "signatory operators" that employed miners under those collective bargaining agreements and are assigned responsibility for their retired miners' benefits. The Act provides that the Commissioner of Social Security "shall, before October 1, 1993," assign responsibility for each eligible retired coal miner to the signatory operator that employed the miner (or to a "related person" of the signatory operator). 26 U.S.C. 9706(a). The Commissioner was unable, however, to complete all such assignments before October 1, 1993.
The question presented is whether the Commissioner's assignments of responsibility for retired miners that were made on or after October 1, 1993, are void.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 6th Circuit, Filed: June 21, 2001 [Peabody Coal Co.]
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 6th Circuit, Filed: June 22, 2001 [Bellaire Corp.]
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 22, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: January 15, 2003
- Docket Sheet (01-705) From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Docket Sheet (01-715) From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner Barnhart (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Respondents Peabody Coal Company, et al. - Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner Barnhart - Reply (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner Barnhart (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner Barnhart - Joint Appendix [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Respondents Peabody Coal Company, et al. (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
- Petitioner Barnhart - Reply (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Wednesday, October 9
Eric Eldred, et al. v. John D. Ashcroft, Attorney General
No. 01-618
Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, First Amendment, Copyright Clause
- Did the D.C. Circuit err in holding that Congress has the
power under the Copyright Clause to extend
retrospectively the term of existing copyrights?
- Is a law that extends the term of existing and future copy-rights categorically immune from challenge[] under the First Amendment ?
- U.S. Court of Appeals - DC Circuit, Dated: February 16, 2001
- U.S. Court of Appeals - DC Circuit, Dated: March 2, 2001
- U.S. Court of Appeals - DC Circuit, Order: March 2, 2001
- U.S. Court of Appeals - DC Circuit, Petition for Rehearing: July 13, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: February 19, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Order: February 25, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: January 15, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Respondent (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT] [RTF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Petitioner: - American Association of Law Libraries, et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- Constitutional Law Professors (Petition) [PDF]
- Copyright Law Professors (Petition) [PDF]
- Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- Internet Archive (Petition) [PDF]
- American Association of Law Libraries, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- College Art Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Constitutional Law Professors (Merits) [PDF]
- Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- George A. Akerlof, et al. (Economists) (Merits) [PDF]
- Free Software Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- Hal Roach Studios, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Intel Corporation (Merits) [PDF]
- Intellectual Property Law Professors (Merits) [PDF]
- Internet Archive, et al. (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Malla Pollack (Merits) [TEXT]
- National Writers Union, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Organization of American Historians, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Progressive Intellectual Property Law Association and the Union for the Public Domain (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Respondent: - American Intellectual Property Law Association (Merits) [PDF]
- Amsong, Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- AOL Time Warner (Merits) [PDF]
- Association of American Publishers, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Directors Guild of America (Merits) [PDF]
- Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P., et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Senator Orin G. Hatch (Merits) [PDF]
- Intellectual Property Owners Association (Merits) [PDF]
- International Coalition for Copyright Protection (Merits) [PDF]
- Members of the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (Merits) [PDF]
- Motion Picture Association of America (Merits) [PDF]
- Nashville Songwriters Association International (Merits) [PDF]
- New York Intellectual Property Law Association (Merits) [PDF]
- Recording Artists Coalition (Merits) [PDF]
- Recording Industry Association of America (Merits) [PDF]
- Professor Edward Samuels, New York Law School (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Songwriters Guild of America (Merits) [PDF]
- Symphonic and Concert Composers, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Karen Howsam, et al. v. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.
No. 01-800
Securities Arbitration
Whether a court or the arbitrator should determine whether a claim seeking arbitration is time-barred under section 10304 of the National Association of Securities Dealers Code of Arbitration Procedures ("NASD Code"), which provides that "[n]o dispute, claim, or controversy shall be eligible for submission to arbitration under this Code where six (6) years have elapsed from the occurrence or event giving rise to the act or dispute, claim, or controversy."
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 10th Circuit, Filed: August 9, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: February 25, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: December 10, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
Amicus - Petitioner
- Securities and Exchange Commission (Merits) [TEXT] [RTF]
Amicus - Neither Party: - Trial Lawyers for Public Justice and AARP (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
Tuesday, October 15
Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., et al., v. Henson
No. 01-757
Jurisdiction, Class Action, Sanctions
Does the All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1651(a), grant federal district courts the original jurisdiction required under 28 U.S.C. § 1441 to permit removal of cases that would otherwise be ineligible for removal?
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 11th Circuit, Dated: August 14, 2001
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 11th Circuit, Dated: August 21, 2001
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 11th Circuit, Dated: September 4, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: February 19, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: November 5, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Respondent (Petition) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD] [WP]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD] [WP]
Amicus - Petitioners: - Product Liability Advisory Council (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
Amicus - Respondent: - Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
- Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (Merits) [PDF]
- State of Texas [PDF]
Rex R. Sprietsma, Administrator of the Estate of Jeanne Sprietsma, Deceased v. Mercury Marine
No. 01-706
Federal Boat Safety Act, Product Liability, Defective Design, Preemption
Whether petitioner's state common-law tort action, based on respondent's failure to install a propeller guard on a
motorboat, is preempted by the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971, 46 U.S.C. §§ 4301 et seq., or by the decision of the Secretary of Transportation in 1990 to take no regulatory action to require the installation of propeller guards on recreational
- Appellate Court of Illinois, Filed: April 6, 2000
- Supreme Court of Illinois, Filed August 16, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 22, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: December 3, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Petitioner: - United States (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT] [RTF]
- States of Missouri, Arkansas, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Respondent: - Product Liability Advisory Council (Merits) [PDF]
Wednesday, October 16
United States v. Thomas Lamar Bean
No. 01-704
Federal Firearms Act, Felons, Right to Possess Firearms, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Under federal law, a person who is convicted of a felony is prohibited
from possessing firearms. The Secretary of the Treasury, acting through
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), may grant relief from
that prohibition if it is established to his satisfaction that certain preconditions
are established. See 18 U.S.C. § 925(c). Since 1992, however, every appropriations
law for ATF has specified that ATF may not expend any appropriated funds
to act upon appliations for such relief. The question presented is whether,
despite that appropriations provision barring ATF from acting on such applications,
a federal district court has authority to grant relief from firearms disabilities
to persons convicted of a felony.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 5th Circuit, Filed: October 21, 1999
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 22, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: December 10, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Respondent (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondent - Second Amendment Foundation (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
Thomas Joe Miller-El v. Janie Cockrell, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division
No. 01-7662
Peremptory Challenges, Jury Selection, Racial Discrimination
Did the Court of
Appeals err in denying a certificate of appealability
and in evaluating petitioner's claim under Batson v.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 5th Circuit, Filed: August 7, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: February 15, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Order: March 4, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: February 25, 3003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [TEXT]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - The Honorable Arlin M. Adams and Julie R. O'Sullivan (Petition) [PDF]
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