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US Supreme Court Docket

Supreme Court Docket

[Download October 2009 Argument Calendar PDF]

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Union Pac. R.R. Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng'rs.
No. 08-604


    Union Pac. R.R. Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng'rs.


    Labor and Employment Law, Railway Labor Act


    The Railway Labor Act ("RLA"), 45 U.S.C. §§151 et seq., sets forth a comprehensive framework to resolve labor disputes in the railroad industry through binding arbitration before the National Railroad Adjustment Board ("the Board"). The statute provides that the Board's judgment "shall be conclusive ... except ... for": (1)"failure ... to comply" with the Act, (2) "failure . . . to conform or confine" its order "to matters within . . . the [Board's] jurisdiction," and (3) "fraud or corruption" by a Board member. 45 U.S.C. §153 First (q). This case involves the Board's denial of employee grievance claims for failure to comply with its rules governing proof that the dispute had been submitted to a "conference" between the parties. 45 U.S.C. §152 Second. The Seventh Circuit held that the award must be set aside because the Board violated due process through retroactive recognition of a supposedly "new rule." The questions presented are:

    1. Whether the Seventh Circuit erroneously held, in square conflict with decisions of the Third, Sixth, Tenth, and Eleventh Circuits, that the RLA includes a fourth, implied exception that authorizes courts to set aside final arbitration awards for alleged violations of due process.

    2. Whether the Seventh Circuit erroneously held that the Board adopted a "new," retroactive interpretation of the standards governing its proceedings in violation of due process.

Decision Below:


  • Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.


    Coming Soon
Counsel of Record

For Petitioner:

Maureen E. Mahoney
Latham & Watkins LLP
Washington, DC

For Respondent:

Thomas H. Geoghegan
Despres, Schwartz & Geoghegan
Bala Cynwyd, PA


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