US Supreme Court Docket
[Download April 21-30, 2003 Argument Calendar PDF]
[Click here for 2001 Docket]
Note: Briefs available on this page may not match originals in format and appearance
Barbara Grutter v. Lee Bollinger, et al.
No. 02-241
Affirmative Action, Equal Protection, Fourteenth Amendment, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Does the University of Michigan Law School's use
of racial preferences in student admissions violate the
Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d),
or 42 U.S.C. § 1981?
- Should an appellate court required to apply strict scrutiny to governmental race-based preferences review de novo the district court's findings because the fact issues are "constitutional"?
- United States District Court - Eastern District of Michigan, Filed March 27, 2001
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 6th Circuit, Filed: May 14, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: December 2, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 23, 2003
Judicial Misconduct Proceedings:
- Judicial Watch Complaint of Judicial Misconduct [TEXT]
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 6th Circuit, Order and Memorandum Opinion, Filed: May 28, 2003 [PDF]
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Audio of Oral Arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court [MP3 Streaming Audio] [MP3 Download]
- Audio, transcript, and photo of speaker during Oral Arguments, from the Oyez Project [Real Audio]
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Respondents Lee Bollinger, Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, et al. - Opposition (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Respondents Kimberly James, et al. - Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents Lee Bollinger, Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents Kimberly James, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - Center for Equal Opportunity, et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence (Petition) [PDF]
- Pacific Legal Foundation (Petition) [PDF]
- States of Alabama, Delaware, et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- Asian American Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- Cato Institute (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for the Advancement of Capitalism (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for Equal Opportunity, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for Individual Freedom (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for New Black Leadership (Merits) [PDF]
- Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence (Merits) [PDF]
- Ward Connerly (Merits) [PDF]
- Law Professors Larry Alexander, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Michigan Association of Scholars (Merits) [PDF]
- National Association of Scholars (Merits) [PDF]
- Pacific Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- Reason Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- State of Florida and Governor Bush (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT] [RTF]
Amicus - Respondents - 65 Leading American Businesses (Merits) [PDF]
- 13,922 Current Law Students at Accredited American Law Schools (Merits) [PDF]
- American Bar Association (Merits) [PDF]
- American Educational Research Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) (Merits) [PDF]
- American Jewish Committee, et al. (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
- American Law Deans Association (Merits) [PDF]
- American Psychological Association (Merits) [PDF]
- American Sociological Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Amherst College and 27 Fellow Private Colleges and Universities (Merits) [PDF]
- Arizona State University College of Law (Merits) [PDF]
- Association of American Law Schools (Merits) [PDF]
- Association of American Medical Colleges, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Bay Mills Indian Community, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Lt. Gen. Julius W. Becton, Jr., et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Black Women Lawyers Association of Greater Chicago, Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- Boston Bar Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
- Hillary Browne, Students of Howard University School of Law, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Carnegie Mellon University and 37 Fellow Private Colleges and Universities (Merits) [PDF]
- Cities of Philadelphia and Cleveland, and National Conf. of Black Mayors (Merits) [PDF]
- Clinical Legal Education Association (Merits) [PDF]
- Coalition for Economic Equity, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Committee of Concerned Black Graduates of ABA Accredited Law Schools (Merits) [PDF]
- Columbia, Cornell, Georgetown, Rice, and Vanderbilt Universities (Merits) [PDF]
- Representatives Conyers, Dingell, Rangel, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Senators Daschle, Kennedy, Clinton, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- General Motors Corp. (Merits) [PDF]
- Representative Richard A. Gephardt, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Graduate Management Admission Council, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Harvard, Stanford, and Yale Black Law Students Associations (Merits) [PDF]
- Harvard University, Brown University, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- The Hayden Family (Merits) [PDF]
- Hispanic Nat'l Bar Assn and the Hispanic Assn of Colleges and Universities (Merits) [PDF]
- Howard University (Merits) [PDF]
- Human Rights Advocates and the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center (Merits) [PDF]
- Indiana University (Merits) [PDF]
- King County Bar Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Latino Organizations (Merits) [PDF]
- Law School Admission Council (Merits) [PDF]
- Law School Deans Judith Areen, Katharine Bartlett, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (Merits) [PDF]
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Du Pont, IBM, et al. (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
- Media Companies (Merits) [PDF]
- Members and Former Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Michigan Black Law Alumni Society (Merits) [PDF]
- Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm (Merits) [PDF]
- NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., and ACLU (Merits) [PDF]
- National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- National Center for Fair & Open Testing (Merits) [PDF]
- National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, et al. (NCOBRA) (Merits) [PDF]
- National Education Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- National School Boards Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- National Urban League, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- The New America Alliance (Merits) [PDF]
- New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- New York City Council Speaker Gifford Miller, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- New York State Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus (Merits) [PDF]
- NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- School of Law of the University of North Carolina (Merits) [PDF]
- Social Scientists Glenn C. Loury, Nathan Glazer, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Society of American Law Teachers (Merits) [PDF]
- States of Maryland, New York, Arizona, California, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- State of New Jersey (Merits) [PDF]
- United Negro College Fund and Alpha Kappa Psi (Merits) [PDF]
- UCLA School of Law Students of Color (Merits) [PDF]
- University of Michigan Law Student Associations (Merits) [PDF]
- University of Pittsburgh, Temple University, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Veterans of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, et al. Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Neither Party
- Anti-Defamation League (Merits) [PDF]
- Criminal Justice Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- Equal Employment Advisory Council (Merits) [PDF]
- Massachusetts School of Law (Merits) [PDF]
Jennifer Gratz, et al. v. Lee Bollinger, et al.
No. 02-516
Affirmative Action, Equal Protection, Fourteenth Amendment, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Does the University of Michigan's use of racial
preferences in undergraduate admissions violate the
Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d),
or 42 U.S.C. § 1981?
- U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Michigan, Opinion, Filed: February 26, 2001
- U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Michigan, Order, Filed: February 26, 2001
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 6th Circuit, Order affirming stay of injunction, Filed: November 16, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Before Judgment Granted: December 2, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 23, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Audio of Oral Arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court [MP3 Streaming Audio] [MP3 Download] [Real Audio]
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioners (Petition) [PDF]
- Respondents Lee Bollinger, Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, et al. - Conditional Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents Lee Bollinger, Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents Ebony Patterson, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Petitioner - Asian American Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- Cato Institute (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for the Advancement of Capitalism (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for Equal Opportunity, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for Individual Freedom (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for New Black Leadership (Merits) [PDF]
- Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence (Merits) [PDF]
- Ward Connerly (Merits) [PDF]
- Duane C. Ellison (Merits) [PDF]
- Michigan Association of Scholars (Merits) [PDF]
- National Association of Scholars (Merits) [PDF]
- Pacific Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- Reason Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- State of Florida and Governor Bush (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT] [RTF]
Amicus - Respondents
- 65 Leading American Businesses (Merits) [PDF]
- American Council on Education, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- American Educational Research Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) (Merits) [PDF]
- American Jewish Committee, et al. (Merits) [PDF] [TEXT]
- American Psychological Association (Merits) [PDF]
- Amherst College and 27 Fellow Private Colleges and Universities (Merits) [PDF]
- Authors of the Texas Ten Percent Plan (Merits) [PDF]
- Bay Mills Indian Community, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Lt. Gen. Julius W. Becton, Jr., et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Black Women Lawyers Association of Greater Chicago, Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- Carnegie Mellon University and 37 Fellow Private Colleges and Universities (Merits) [PDF]
- Cities of Philadelphia and Cleveland, and National Conf. of Black Mayors (Merits) [PDF]
- The College Board (Merits) [PDF]
- Columbia, Cornell, Georgetown, Rice, and Vanderbilt Universities (Merits) [PDF]
- Representatives Conyers, Dingell, Rangel, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Senators Daschle, Kennedy, Clinton, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- General Motors Corp. (Merits) [PDF]
- Representative Richard A. Gephardt, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Harvard University, Brown University, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- The Hayden Family (Merits) [PDF]
- Howard University (Merits) [PDF]
- Human Rights Advocates and the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center (Merits) [PDF]
- Latino Organizations (Merits) [PDF]
- Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (Merits) [PDF]
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Du Pont, IBM, et al. erits) [PDF]
- Media Companies (Merits) [PDF]
- Members of the United States Congress (Merits) [PDF]
- Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm (Merits) [PDF]
- National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, et al. (NCOBRA) (Merits) [PDF]
- National Education Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- National School Boards Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- National Urban League, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- The New America Alliance (Merits) [PDF]
- New York City Council Speaker Gifford Miller, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Northeastern University (Merits) [PDF]
- NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Social Scientists Glenn C. Loury, Nathan Glazer, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- States of Maryland, New York, Arizona, California, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- State of New Jersey (Merits) [PDF]
- United Negro College Fund and Alpha Kappa Psi (Merits) [PDF]
- University of Pittsburgh, Temple University, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Neither Party
- Anti-Defamation League (Merits) [PDF]
- Equal Employment Advisory Council (Merits) [PDF]
Wednesday, April 2
Phillip T. Breuer v. Jim's Concrete of Brevard
No. 02-337
Federalism, Civil Procedure, Fair Labor Standards Act
- Whether an action commenced in state court under the Fair Labor Standards Act ["FLSA"] of 1938, can be removed by the defendant to a federal district court, even though the FLSA expressly provides that the case can be "maintained" in state court.
- Whether the 11th Circuit's interpretation of the word "maintained" as used in the jurisdictional provisions of the FLSA conflicts with the Supreme Court's pronounced definition of the word "maintain" to be used when construing federal statutes.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 11th Circuit, Filed: June 5, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: May 19, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Respondent - Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF](Warning: Large File 41mb)
Amicus - Respondent - Academy of Florida Management Attorneys, Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- Human Resource Association of Palm Beach County, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Dastar Corporation v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
No. 02-428
Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. 1117(a); 15 U.S.C. 1125(a)(1)), Trademark
- Does the Lanham Act protect creative works from
uncredited copying, even without a likelihood of
consumer confusion?
- May a court applying the Lanham Act award twice the
defendant's profits for purely deterrent purposes?
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit, Filed: April 19, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 2, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - American Library Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Professor Malla Pollack (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Respondents - Association for Competitive Technology, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Neither Party - American Intellectual Property Law Association (Merits) [PDF]
- International Trademark Assocation (Merits) [PDF]
Monday, April 21
Janette Price, Warden v. Duyonn A. Vincent
No. 02-524
Habeas Corpus, Double Jeopardy, Fifth Amendment, Criminal Law
- Whether the Michigan Supreme Court's conclusion that the trial
court did not direct a verdict of acquittal is a factual finding entitled to
deference on habeas corpus review.
- Whether defendant Vincent was twice placed in jeopardy by the
action of the trial court in first granting a motion for directed verdict on
the issue of first degree murder, and shortly thereafter withdrawing its grant,
where both the initial decision and its recall occurred out of the presence of
the jury.
- Whether this Court should grant certiorari to clarify the jurisprudence where there is a split of opinion within the United States Courts of Appeals and within the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and State Courts on the question of whether double jeopardy principles were violated in factually similar situations.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 6th Circuit, Filed: June 6, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: May 19, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF] [TEXT]
- Respondent - Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - Criminal Justice Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- States of Texas, Alabama, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Wayne County, Michigan, Prosecuting Attorney (Merits) [PDF]
Desert Palace, Inc., dba Caesars Palace Hotel & Casino v. Catharina F. Costa
No. 02-679
Title VII, Gender Discrimination, "Mixed Motive," Employment Law
Whether a plaintiff in a Title VII case must adduce direct evidence of
discriminatory intent to trigger application of the mixed-motive analysis
Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 490 U.S. 228 (1989).
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit, Filed: August 2, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 9, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
- Joint Appendix (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - Equal Employment Advisory Council (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondent - Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Merits) [PDF]
Tuesday, April 22
Green Tree Financial Corp., nka Conseco Finance Corp., v. Lynn W. Bazzle, et al.
No. 02-634
Federal Arbitration Act, Class Actions, Civil Procedure
Whether the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. 1, et seq.,
prohibits class-action procedures from being superimposed
onto an arbitration agreement that does not provide for class-action
- Supreme Court of South Carolina, Filed: August 26, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 23, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - American Bankers Association, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Merits) [PDF]
- DirecTV (Merits) [PDF]
- Equal Employment Advisory Council (Merits) [PDF]
- New England Legal Foundation, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Washington Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Respondents - AARP (Merits) [PDF]
- Law Professors (Merits) [PDF]
- Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (Merits) [PDF]
Hillside Dairy, et al. v. William J. Lyons, Jr., California Dept. Food and Agric., et al.
No. 01-950
Ponderosa Dairy, et al. v. William J. Lyons, Jr., California Dept. Food and Agric., et al.
No. 01-1018
Commerce Clause, Priviliges and Immunities Clause, 7 U.S.C. 7254
- Whether 7 U.S.C. 7254 exempts California's milk pricing and pooling
regulations from scrutiny under the Commerce Clause.
- Whether California's milk pricing and pooling regulations violate the Privileges and Immunities Clause.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit, Filed: August 9, 2001
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 9, 2003
- Docket Sheet (No. 01-950) From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Docket Sheet (No. 01-1018) From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioners Hillside Dairy, Inc., et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners Hillside Dairy, Inc., et al. - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Supplemental Response to United States' Amicus Brief (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
- Joint Appendix (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioners - Dairy Institute of California (Petition) [PDF]
- State of Nevada, Nevada State Dairy Commsn. (Petition) [PDF]
- Dairy Institute of California (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [WORD]
- Select Milk Producers, Inc., et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- States of Nevada, Minnesota, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondents - United States (Petition) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Wednesday, April 23
American Insurance Assn., et al. v. John Garamendi, Commissioner of Insurance, State of California
No. 02-722
Federalism, Foreign Affairs, Insurance, McCarran-Ferguson Act, California's Holocaust Victim Insurance Relief Act of 1999
- Whether the Ninth Circuit erred in refusing to apply the
foreign affairs doctrine of Zschernig v. Miller, 389 U.S. 429
(1968), to a California law directed at the foreign activities of
European insurance companies, which has been declared by the
federal government to be "in direct conflict" with "United
States foreign policy" and which has generated strong protests
from affected foreign nations.
- Whether the McCarran-Ferguson Act, 15 U.S.C. 1011-1015, authorizes California to regulate overseas activities of insurance companies having no connection with the State.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit, Amended Opinion Filed: September 9, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 23, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioners (Petition) [PDF]
- Respondent - Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Respondent - Supplemental Brief in response to United States as Amicus Curiae (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents Gerling Companies - Supporting Petitioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents Gerling Companies - Reply - Supporting Petitioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Joint Appendix (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - Chamber of Commerce of the United States, et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- United States (Petition) [PDF]
- Chamber of Commerce of the United States, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Federal Republic of Germany (Merits) [PDF]
- Government of Switzerland (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondent - National Association of Insurance Commissioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Representative Henry A. Waxman and 51 Other Members of Congress (Merits) [PDF]
- States of California, Alabama, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Nike, Inc., et al. v. Marc Kasky
No. 02-575
First Amendment, Commercial Speech
- When a corporation participates in a public debate writing
letters to newspaper editors and to educators and publishing
communications addressed to the general public on issues of
great political, social, and economic importance may it be subjected
to liability for factual inaccuracies on the theory that its
statements are "commercial speech" because they might affect
consumers' opinions about the business as a good corporate citizen
and thereby affect their purchasing decisions?
- Even assuming the California Supreme Court properly characterized such statements as "commercial speech," does the First Amendment, as applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment, permit subjecting speakers to the legal regime approved by that court in the decision below?
- Supreme Court of California, As Modified: May 22, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Dismissed as Improvidently Granted: June 26, 2003 [Concurring and Dissenting Opinions]
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioners (Petition) [PDF]
- Respondent - Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioners - Center for the Advancement of Capitalism (Petition) [PDF]
- Center for Individual Freedom (Petition) [PDF]
- Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Petition) [PDF]
- Civil Justice Association of California (Petition) [PDF]
- Council of Public Relations Firms, et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- ExxonMobil, Bank of America, et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- Pacific Legal Foundation (Petition) [PDF]
- Thirty-Two Leading Newspapers, Magazines, etc., et al. (Petition) [PDF]
- Washington Legal Foundation (Petition) [PDF]
- American Civil Liberties Union and ACLU of Northern California (Merits) [PDF]
- Arthur W. Page Society, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Association of National Advertising, Inc., et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Business Roundtable (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for the Advancement of Capitalism (Merits) [PDF]
- Center for Individual Freedom (Merits) [PDF]
- Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Merits) [PDF]
- Civil Justice Association of California (Merits) [PDF]
- Defenders of Property Rights, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- ExxonMobil, Microsoft, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Forty Leading Newspapers, Magazines, Broadcasters, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- The Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression (Merits) [PDF]
- Mountain States Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- National Association of Manufacturers (Merits) [PDF]
- Pacific Legal Foundation, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Pfizer Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- Product Liability Advisory Council, Inc. (Merits) [PDF]
- SRiMedia and CoreRatings (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Washington Legal Foundation, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Respondent - Campaign Legal Center (Merits) [PDF]
- Congressmembers Kucinich, Sanders, Brown, and Filner (Merits) [PDF]
- Consumer Attorneys of California (Merits) [PDF]
- Domini Social Investments LLC, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- National Association of Consumer Advocates (Merits) [PDF]
- Public Citizen (Merits) [PDF]
- (Merits) [PDF]
- Sierra Club, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- States of California, Alaska, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Neither Party - American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) (Merits) [PDF]
Monday, April 28
The Black & Decker Disability Plan v. Kenneth L. Nord
No. 02-469
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA),, Disability, Employment Law
Whether the administrator of an ERISA-covered disability plan must follow
a "treating physician rule" in determining a participant's disability,
so that the administrator is required to accept a treating physician's opinion
on disability unless the administrator rebuts that opinion in writing based
upon substantial evidence in the record.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit, Filed: July 15, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 10, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: May 27, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - American Benefits Council (Merits) [PDF]
- American Council of Life Insurers, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan (Merits) [PDF]
- Central States, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Delta Family-Care Disabilty and Survivorship Plan, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Erisa Industry Committee (Merits) [PDF]
- National Association of Manufacturers, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Peabody Energy Corporation, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondent - AARP (Merits) [PDF]
- American Medical Association (Merits) [PDF]
- National Employment Lawyers Association (Merits) [PDF]
- National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (Merits) [PDF]
Entergy Louisiana, Inc. v. Louisiana Public Serv. Comm.
No. 02-299
Public Utilities, Federalism
Whether Mississippi Power & Light v. Mississippi ex rel. Moore, 487 U.S. 354 (1988), and Nantahala Power & Light Co. v. Thornburg, 476 U.S. 953 (1986), require a state public utility commission to allow an electric utility member of a multi-state power system to recover, in retail rates, the costs allocated to it by a rate schedule of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), or whether the state commission has jurisdiction to decide that it was "imprudent" for such a utility to incur the costs allocated to it under a FERC rate schedule, thereby "trapping" such wholesale costs.
- Supreme Court of Louisiana, Filed: April 3, 2002
- Supreme Court of Louisiana, Dissent Filed: April 3, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 17, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 2, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - United States (Petition) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Edison Electric Institute (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Tuesday, April 29
Georgia v. John Ashcroft, Attorney Gen., et al.
No. 02-182
Voting Rights Act, Equal Protection, Redistricting, Civil Rights, Elections
- Whether section 5 of the Voting Rights Act requires the drawing of safe majority-minority districts with super majority-minority populations rather than districts that afford minorities equal opportunities at success.
- Whether section 5 can be constitutionally construed to require the drawing of supermajority-minority legislative districts in order to create safe seats rather than seats that afford minorities equal opportunities at success.
- Whether private parties should be allowed to intervene in a section 5 preclearance action and assume the role and authority of the Attorney General.
- U.S. District Court - District of Columbia, Filed: June 3, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Probable Jurisdiction Noted: January 17, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 26, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Appellant State of Georgia (Jurisdictional Statement) [PDF]
- Appellees John Ashcroft, Attorney General, et al. - Response (Motion to Affirm) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Appellee Intervenors Patrick Jones, et al. - Response (Motion to Affirm) [PDF]
- Appellant State of Georgia (Merits) [PDF]
- Appellees John Ashcroft, Attorney General, et al. (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
- Appellee Intervenors Patrick Jones, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Appellant State of Georgia - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Appellees - Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda (Merits) [PDF]
Michael Fitzgerald, Treasurer of Iowa v. Racing Assoc. of Central Iowa
No. 02-695
Taxation, Gaming, Equal Protection
May the State of Iowa, without violating the Equal
Protection Clause, tax the revenue from slot machines at
racetracks at different rates than the revenue from all
casino games, including slot machines, on riverboats?
- Supreme Court of Iowa, Filed: June 12, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 17, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 9, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Respondents - Opposition (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondents (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - Iowa Cities of Bettendorf, Burlington, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondents - City of Dubuque, Iowa (Merits) [PDF]
- Institute for Justice (Merits) [PDF]
- Polk County, Iowa (Merits) [PDF]
Wednesday, April 30
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Kevin Lamont Hicks
No. 02-371
First Amendment, Civil Rights
- Whether a criminal defendant may invoke the overbreadth doctrine even though (a) his own offense did not involve any expressive conduct, and (b) his conduct was not proscribed by that portion of the government statute, regulation or policy he challenges as overbroad.
- Whether the Constitution recognizes a distinction between actions taken by government as landlord and actions taken by government as sovereign.
- Supreme Court of Virginia, Filed: June 7, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 24, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 16, 2003
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioner (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioner (Merits) [PDF]
- Respondent (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioner - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
- Joint Appendix (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus - Petitioner - Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Criminal Justice Legal Foundation (Merits) [PDF]
- United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondent - American Civil Liberties Union, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
Beneficial National Bank, et al. v. Marie Anderson, et al.
No. 02-306
Federalism, Preemption, Banking Law
Whether a usury claim against a national bank, even if ostensibly brought under state law, necessarily arises under section 30 of the National Bank Act, 12 U.S.C. 85-86, so as to permit a federal court to exercise removal jurisdiction under the doctrine of complete preemption.
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 11th Circuit, Filed: April 3, 2002
- United States Supreme Court, Cert. Granted: January 24, 2003
- United States Supreme Court, Decided: June 2, 2002
- Docket Sheet From the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Oral Argument Transcript
- Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism: On the Docket
- Petitioners (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Petition) [PDF]
- Petitioners (Merits) [PDF]
- Petitioners - Reply (Merits) [PDF]
Amicus -Petitioners - United States (Merits) [PDF] [RTF] [TEXT]
Amicus - Respondents - AARP, et al. (Merits) [PDF]
- Consumer Attorneys of California (Merits) [PDF]
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